GC Discover - Mobile App

Product Design - 2023


  • Design process: CSD matrix, benchmarking, desk research, usability tests, beta version, and launching;

  • Was a company goal to expand to the mobile market and our challenge was to define which problem we were going to resolve and ship fast to learn;

  • After an internal restructuring, the app was transferred to other team and served as the foundation to be a distribution hub for largest publishers in LATAM. It can still be downloaded -> Play Store and App Store.


Gamers Club stands as the biggest gaming platform in Latin America, with a primary focus on Counter-Strike. Their target for the first quarter was to broaden their market and attract new users. They recognized the potential of mobile gaming, which boasts a significant market size and offers various monetization opportunities.


We started this product a little bit later (final January) and our first move was Desk Research with open surveys (Google and Newzoo) and our repository from the actual product’s active database. From that, we created a CSD Matrix to organize our ideas and interviewed stakeholders.

From that, we defined our first problems to solve and started to develop prototypes. We didn't have a lot of time and resources to continue research, so we focused on the familiar pains: finding new games based on interests and finding people to play with.

More about my design process

Usually I don’t have linear process, it depends the context, complexity and timing. In this case, we had to deliver a first version of the app quickly, so I preferred to carry out usability tests with Gamers Club employees who were distant from the projetc to speed up the validation.

With the prototype in hand, we performed two rounds of usability tests to understand the effectiveness of the initial flows. We conducted two rounds of testing. The first round involved using the Maze tool, while the second round focused on exploring user emotions and usability through moderated tests.

With prototype iterations, we have already started development with the tech team, as app store approval can be challenging, especially at Apple.

Results and Learnings

Regrettably, the project was given a lower priority just a few days after hitting the stores because of the company's restructuring. Our next course of action would be to clarify the meaning of gamification and delve deeper into the various revenue opportunities available.

Throughout the process, the feeling of uncertainty walked with the team, and this is normal when exploring a place never explored. However, having invested a little more in the values we will deliver could have generated faster results.